Welcome to The Guild of Guardians
"The City of Bristol has so much to offer, both to the business organisation and to the private citizen"
Alfred Telling CBE, founder of The Guild of Guardians
The Officers, with exception of the Master, are elected each year by the Guardians at the AGM in November. The Master Elect takes on the office of Master the following year. The current Officers of the Guild are:
The Master (Bill Marshall)
Immediate Past Master (Jon Press)
Master Elect (Donna Speed)
Senior Guardian (Andrew Glynn)
Honorary Treasurer (Joe Scaife)
The Guild is managed by an executive committee known as the First Committee, which consists of the Officers and up to four co-opted members, including two Past Masters:
Jon Press, Master 2021/22 and
Bill Marshall, Master, 2022-2023
Membership of the Guild is a corporate one, where the individual representing any organisation may change from time to time with the agreement of the Master and First Committee. There are approximately forty companies and ten charitable trusts in membership at present, all represented by a senior executive, as well as a number of personal members. All members are called Guardians.
Membership is by invitation of the First Committee who may invite any former Guardian who is Past Master or who has rendered other significant services to the Guild, to be a personal member. Honorary Membership may be granted by the First Committee to a person distinguished in any field consistent with the aims of the Guild.
Member Organisation and Representative Guardian
Alder King Simon Price
Alec French Architects Nigel Dyke
Bishop Fleming LLP Joe Scaife
Bristol Port Company John Chaplin
Bristol & Bath Regional Capital Edward Rowberry
Bristol & West of England China Bureau Dianne Francombe
Bristol Water plc Mel Karam
Bristol Zoological Society Justin Morris
Burges-Salmon Patrick Robinson
Business West James Durie
City of Bristol College Richard Harris
Corrigan Associates Ltd Edward Corrigan
Evelyn John Davies Ferguson Brown Limited Helen Crawford
Grant Thornton Tim Lincoln
Kendall Kingscott Jon Press
Moon Executive Search Vanessa Moon
Quartet Community Foundation Suzanne Rolt
Rose Health Partnership Sandie Foxall-Smith
Space Engineering Services Ltd Braden Harris
SS Great Britain Matthew Tanner
St Peter’s Hospice Frank Noble
The Society of Merchant Venturers Caroline Duckworth
Thrings LLP Jane Oakland
TLT LLP Andrew Glynn
University of the West of England William Marshall
Veale Wasbrough Vizards Kellie Thatcher
We the Curious Donna Speed
Personal Members
Keith Bonham Bill Harding James Myatt
Richard Bonner Nigel Hardy David Pople
Chris Carwardine Sam Hemmings Nigel Puddicombe
Steve Eggington John Hollingdale Tim Stevenson
Peter Ferguson Michael Kent Martin Whife Simon Prescott
David Clarke - Life Member